Citrix, Windows Server

Microsoft Edge installation on Citrix

Hi everyone,

Recently being asked to install the new Microsoft Edge Enterprise ( ) on the Citrix Session Servers in our Citrix farm, we have started doing a bit of research, knowing that standard Microsoft Edge is not available to install on a Windows Server environment.

First thing you come up with when researching online, are the community forums, which state that after a standard installation of the Microsoft Edge package, the application does not launch and causes very high CPU usage, rendering the server unusable – . This has also happened in our environment.

Following the thread, one of the community members has detailed what needs to be done, in his blog, here : . However, following the instructions and modifying the below to include the msedge.exe executable at the end was not enough:

Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CtxUvi
Value Name: UviProcessExcludes
Type: REG_SZ
Value: badapp1.exe;badlongname.ex;badapp2.exe;msedge.exe;

Unfortunately, we noticed that the Citrix API hooks are still loading with the msedge.exe process – a simple guide on how to check this, using Process Explorer, is described step by step in the Citrix KB .

Even if the environment version we were installing this in was post-7.9, as mentioned in the Citrix KB, , we were forced to disable the Citrix API hooks for the executable, using the methods described in pre-7.9 section, by adding the following keys (used only 64-bit section in our case):

For Windows 32-bit version

Value Name: ExcludedImageNames
Type: REG_SZ
Value: badapp1.exe,badapp2.exe,badapp3.exe

For Windows 64-bit version

Value Name: ExcludedImageNames
Type: REG_SZ
Value: badapp1.exe,badapp2.exe,badapp3.exe

Unfortunately, up to now, I am not sure if this is a version bug, or if this is how it is supposed to be, however this solved our problems and the Edge Browser is now working as expected.

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