
Citrix vDisk version limits

Hi everyone,As a Citrix Administrator, you might be familiar (or at least should get familiar) with the administration aspects of the Provisioning Services (PVS). One of the most common tasks you will have to perform will be updating the PVS…

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ESXi Commands – Network Commands

Hi all,Moving forward, the next layer of commands that can be of great help when troubleshooting, will be network layer. This layer is very sensible (the others are too 😛 ) and should be tampered with very carefully. As presented…

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ESXi Commands – System Commands

Hi everyone,Moving on from the Hardware to the next layer, we will be looking into system commands which will allow an administrator to manage and modify the ESXi system / OS aspects. Following previous examples, to explore the system commands,…

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SCVMM Refreshers

Hi everyone!If you are like me, and have started using System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) quite recently, after some time you cannot help wonder, how often and what triggers those refresh jobs that you can see in the Jobs…

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ESXi Commands – Basic Commands

ESXi is the technology that sits at the basic level of virtualization when using VMWare products. Be it a standalone ESXi host or one managed through vCenter, as a virtualization administrator or system administrator you must get familiar with the…

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How to set MOTD on vCenter and ESXi

If you ever want to setup a Message of The Day for people logging into your vCenter Server (maybe you have a organisational policy, or for identification if you use multiple vCenter), log on to the vCenter using vSphere client,…

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