
How to copy and paste Citrix vDisk properties

Hi everyone,After some recent modifications done on the Citrix Provisioning Servers ,and needing to shift an entire environment to a completely new vDisk, I’ve found myself having to change the vDisk allocation for an entire Device Collection. The simple way…

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Citrix, Windows Server

Microsoft Edge installation on Citrix

Hi everyone, Recently being asked to install the new Microsoft Edge Enterprise ( ) on the Citrix Session Servers in our Citrix farm, we have started doing a bit of research, knowing that standard Microsoft Edge is not available…

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ESXi Commands – Storage Commands

Hi everyone,Last, but not least, of the commands we can use for troubleshooting, will be referencing storage management from an ESXi perspective. To interact with this layer, and view a possible list of namespaces on the storage layer, type in:…

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ESXi Commands – VM Commands

Hello everyone,Following the recent posts around the ESXi commands, its time to get to the next layer of commands, used in our investigations, which is the VM layer. To interact with this layer, and view a possible list of namespaces…

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Citrix vDisk version limits

Hi everyone,As a Citrix Administrator, you might be familiar (or at least should get familiar) with the administration aspects of the Provisioning Services (PVS). One of the most common tasks you will have to perform will be updating the PVS…

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ESXi Commands – Network Commands

Hi all,Moving forward, the next layer of commands that can be of great help when troubleshooting, will be network layer. This layer is very sensible (the others are too 😛 ) and should be tampered with very carefully. As presented…

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ESXi Commands – System Commands

Hi everyone,Moving on from the Hardware to the next layer, we will be looking into system commands which will allow an administrator to manage and modify the ESXi system / OS aspects. Following previous examples, to explore the system commands,…

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