Hi everyone,
Moving on from the Hardware to the next layer, we will be looking into system commands which will allow an administrator to manage and modify the ESXi system / OS aspects.
Following previous examples, to explore the system commands, you will need to use the following:esxcli system
[ will return a list of all the system components that can be interogated and interacted with]
This command will return all the components, exactly as below:Usage: esxcli system {cmd} [cmd options]
Available Namespaces:
boot Operations relating to host boot that allow manipulation of VMkernel boot time configuration.
coredump Operations pertaining to the VMkernel Core dump configuration.
module Operations that allow manipulation of the VMkernel loadable modules and device drivers. Operations include load, list and setting options.
process Commands relating to running processes.
secpolicy Options related to VMkernel access control subsystem. These options are typically in place for specific workarounds or debugging. These commands should be used at the direction of VMware Support Engineers.
security Operations pertaining to server authentication.
settings Operations that allow viewing and manipulation of system settings.
slp Commands pertaining to Service Location Protocol (SLP).
stats Access to various system statistics
syslog Operations relating to system logging
visorfs Operations pertaining to the visorfs memory filesytem.
account Manage user accounts.
hostname Operations pertaining the network name of the ESX host.
maintenanceMode Command to manage the system's maintenance mode.
permission Manage permissions for accessing the ESXi host.
shutdown Command to shutdown the system.
snmp Commands pertaining to SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Agent configuration.
time Commands to get and set system time.
uuid Get the system UUID
version Commands to get version information.
welcomemsg Commands to get and set the welcome banner for DCUI.
Again, to drill down into one of the namespaces, say the BOOT namespace – we want to find the boot device that the ESXi system is using – you will need to type in:esxcli system boot
[will return the syntax to use, the available namespaces and the available commands]
The above command should return something similar to the below:Usage: esxcli system boot {cmd} [cmd options]
Available Namespaces:
device Display the system boot device
To drill deeper you would need to type:esxcli system boot device
Which will return:Usage: esxcli system boot device {cmd} [cmd options]
Available Commands:
get Get the systems boot device.
To get to the final result, you need to type:esxcli system boot device get
Which will return the final result we are looking for.
Click on this link for ESXi Commands – Basic Commands
Click on this link for ESXi Commands – Hardware Commands
Click on this link for ESXi Commands – Network Commands
Click on this link for ESXi Commands – VM Commands
Click on this link for ESXi Commands – Storage Commands